Upcoming Event
August 12, 2019
Golf Outing and Fundraiser for the
Republican Party of Sheboygan County.
Brian Schimming and Congressman Glenn Grothman will be guests of the Sheboygan County GOP. The public is invited to join us in giving them a warm welcome to Sheboygan County. The program begins at 3:00 P.M. at the Quit Qui Oc Three Seasons Room. Hors D'oeuvres will be served.
Brian Schimming is a successful advocate for conservative causes at the local, state and national level. He has served three Republican governors including as a member of Governor Tommy G. Thompson’s cabinet. His most recent role began when he was named by Governor Scott Walker as chief operating officer of the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
The cost is $25.00 per person. RSVP at: chair@sheboygancountygop.com