RPSC Annual Caucus
Online Registration Form
Use this form to register for the January 20th RPSC Caucus.
By pre-registering, you will only have to check in and then proceed to the caucus area.
Call to Caucus
The Republican Party of Sheboygan County will be holding its annual caucus.
Caucus Information
Saturday, January 20th, 2024
RPSC Headquarters
1122 Indiana Ave., Sheboygan, WI 53081
Registration Begins at 9:00 AM
Caucus Begins at 9:30 AM
In order to vote:
- For renewing members, you must be paid by the start of the caucus.
- For new members, you must be a paid member no later than Jan. 10th.
A Message From RPSC Chair, Russ Otten

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair
Fellow RPSC Members, I am excited to announce the upcoming annual caucus on Saturday, January 20th, at RPSC Headquarters (HQ).
Registration begins at 9:00AM with the caucus starting at 9:30AM.
The agenda will include voting on the RPSC mission, voting on 2 amendments to the RPSC Constitution , passing a set of resolutions, listening to legislative updates, and hearing a state-of-the-party address from the Chair. (The RPSC mission, proposed amendments, and proposed resolutions will be emailed to you soon.)
Special Note: HQ parking lot will be reserved for those needing handicapped parking.
Russ Otten, RPSC Chair
(920) 207-3894