RPSC Campaign Chair, Art DeJong, wrote the following opinion that appeared in a local newspaper.
Critical Race: an Alternate Reality
For more than two hundred years America has been the land of opportunity for immigrants from around the world. Millions of us trace our roots to Ellis Island where our American dream began, the dream of a place where individual rights mattered more than political power.
For one hundred years now, America also has been a refuge for people fleeing the class warfare of communist countries, with their poverty and constant conflict, their firing squads and death camps.
Today America is the most racially diverse country in the world, a country where “hyphenated-Americans” are now the most successful, affluent Americans, and one where millions of “dreamers” rush for its southern border to escape the poverty and oppression in their own socialist countries. Despite all of this, many American schools teach the alternate reality now known as “the critical race theory.”
In this alternate world, America is ruled by white supremacists who will exploit the suffering masses unless they are overthrown in a race war. It is the old communist party line, substituting race warfare for the usual class warfare.
By preaching this relentlessly to generations of young Americans, universities have created a lucrative diversity industry with an insatiable demand for more racism. It is one of the fastest growing businesses in America.
It has been so successful that many multimillionaire athletes believe that they are oppressed, many rich kids burn down businesses in poor neighborhoods to protest racism, many politicians shut down law enforcement to stamp out injustice, and many corporate CEOs incite mobs to loot their own stores.
Rather than promoting this insanity, which is destroying the US as it has so many others, school boards must take seriously their job of keeping Martin Luther King’s dream alive--that we be a nation that judges people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. If American schools can’t teach our foundational truth that “all men are created equal,” who will?
It comes down the old Sunday school song, “red and yellow black and white, they are precious in his sight.” All lives really do matter. Teach it,
Art DeJong, Sheboygan