Candidate for

I grew up in Campbellsport. I attended St Matthews Catholic Grade School where I received my elementary education through the 7th grade. Because of a teacher shortage, our 8th grade class was sent to Campbellsport Elementary School. I graduated from Campbellsport High School in 1969. In October of 1970 I enlisted in the U S Air force and was honorably discharged in 1974.
Sheboygan Falls
After my wife Jill was honorably discharged from the U S Army Nurse Corp, we moved to Milwaukee where I earned an apprenticeship in Auto Body repair through MATC.
1980 brought us to Sheboygan to raise our three daughters and I worked for 36 years for Mike Burkart Ford in the Collision Center with 22 of those years as the manager. Currently I drive for Lakeshore Transportation transporting elderly and special needs clients.
As I continued on my journey through life I was able to earn my private pilot certificate. In 2001 I joined the Civil Air Patrol and served as a Squadron Commander as well as a mission transport and search pilot.
My wife and I are founding members of the Sheboygan Falls Community Group and have been reviewing books in our libraries as well as other issues in our schools and community. Our mission is to ensure only age appropriate materials are available to our youth in our public and school libraries.
Board of Education
We're also reviewing the Human Growth and Development programs in our schools to ensure they are in line with what is appropriate.
It saddens me to see children graduating from High School and only having the ability to read, write, and do math at an Elementary School level. We need to get the distractions of the WOKE agendas out of our schools and get back to good and solid academic curriculums that prepare for life after graduation. I see so many young adults with no clue on how to manage their affairs or finances. We can give students the opportunities to succeed by finding and promoting learning programs that better teach math, reading, writing, and history. We need to take the social issues out of the classroom. Lets get behind good teachers, give them a good merit program and allow them to give our students the best education possible.