City of Sheboygan

Paul Hankins - District 7
Contact Info:
Paul and Mary Hankins have been married 35 years and have lived in Sheboygan County for all that time, with the last three being here in the City of Sheboygan. They met in a Christian band and have been leading worship together in local churches and ministry settings ever since, with no end in (our) sight. Still, their greatest joy and contribution continues to be their four grown daughters and one (fast) growing grandson. Paul is employed at Curt G Joa in Sheboygan Falls.
Candidate for Alderman
From Paul: "I'm running for office because it's time I got off the couch and into the game. I need to balance my global thinking with more local acting. All my service has been in ministry settings and it's time to launch out a little deeper. I believe God works in the affairs of men but that He typically uses men to do that work. I'm wired to help and encourage people and to find ways to make things better wherever I go. Time to apply that in the city where I live.
Key Concerns:
- Ensuring strong, smart support for city services, such as police, fire and streets...etc.
- Crafting Sheboygan-centric solutions to old and new challenges
- Maximizing Sheboygan's appeal to businesses, workers, families and visitors
- Providing the best "city-for-the-buck" to all our citizens
District Seven
Mailing Address:
1407 S. 7th St.
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Donations to: Hankins For Sheboygan (Mary Hankins, Treasurer)
Again from Paul: "In the marketplace, competition benefits the customer. In government, competition of ideas benefits the citizenry. I fear our leaders suffer from Groupthink, which shrinks the universe of ideas and solutions that could be tried. It can also lead to diminished, even poor, decision making capacity. I'll bring fresh energy to serve my neighbors and fresh eyes and ideas to invigorate, strengthen and safeguard the decision making process. I believe Sheboygan's greatest resource is its people. When motivated and united, there's no telling what can be accomplished. I want to find out, but it will take a lot of us working together."

District 7 Wards 13 and 14