Statement From Aaron R. Guenther

District 1 Candidate - Aaron Guenther
In hindsight, the August 22, 2022, racial slur incident may have been setup. No one can identify the person who walked into the community meeting or even if the person was black or white.
On October 5th, 2022 Todd had a meeting with Jamie Haack and Ale Guevara at the Black Pig restaurant as they were representing an unofficial DEIB group. They asked for money and said that if Todd would not participate, they would publicly oppose Todd. See confidential letter.
On October 10th, 2022 the Mayor leaked a story to Maya Hilty. We know this because the requests for interview include specific questions of which Sorenson does not reply, he calls her, and the answers are in the articles, and he is quoted. All other reporters from all other venues, the Mayor states that he cannot comment on the record. He does not respond like this to Maya Hilty.
On October 17th, 2022, Ale Guevara sends an email at 1pm to unofficially complain about leadership in the city, asking for a change. See Guevara email.
The Mayor directed a democrat base to send emails to him referencing Todd as a sham basis for an investigation. These emails are all similar and received on October 17th, one from Brenda Richterkessing states: "It is my understanding that Mayor Sorenson has requested feedback from the community prior to Monday's council meeting regarding the recent article that has appeared in the Sheboygan Press." See Richterkessing email.
Also on October 17th, Jamie Haack speaks to the Common Council giving similar remarks.
November 7th, 2022 the next opportunity, Todd is placed on leave for an investigation.
January 9th 2023, Aaron R. Guenther speaks to the Common Council. He asked for Council to wait and a vote to be held on Todd's fate until open records can be obtained and the public can weigh in on what has happened.
They fire Todd without cause. During this meeting, Council Dekker references a report by von Brisen and Roper, aka the Hall report. To this point in actuality the report does not exist.
Todd files a Federal lawsuit February 6th, 2023.
Later, also on February 6th, 2023, von Brisen sends over the final Hall report. No other preliminary copies are in existence. The city clerk confirmed, there is only one report, but they cannot release it because of privilege. The federal lawsuit claims conspiracy, the date on the report alone proves conspiracy.
Open government is paramount to honesty. This was not honest, and the public was misled. That secret now will cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars to defend or pay this lawsuit. It's a terrible embarrassment for our city, and these city leaders should be held accountable.