Wisconsin School Choice
“Empowering Parents by Providing High Quality Options in Education”
Thursday, Oct. 5, 6:30 pm
RPSC Offices
1122 Indiana Ave.,
Sheboygan, WI 53082
Main Presenter:
Jim Bender, President of School Choice Wisconsin (SCW)
Jim is the former Chief of Staff and spokesman for former Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald. He previously operated a communications firm working both for corporations and non-profits. Jim joined SCW in December 2010 and was responsible for lobbying Governor Walker and the legislature during the 2011-12 session.
A question and answer session with Jim and the Panelists will follow the presentation.
Jim's presentation will cover the following main topics:
What is Wisconsin School Choice?
How has it grown in Wisconsin?
Who is participating locally?
How is it financed?
How is it held accountable?
Paul Gnan, Executive Director, Sheboygan Lutheran High School
Patrick Vanic, Principal, Bethlehem Lutheran School, Sheboygan