And In This Corner.... Condolences & Action
“And In This Corner...”
Condolences & Action
Russ Otten, RPSC Chair
Fellow RPSC Members and Patriots,
We lost a wonderful man of God and Patriot last week. Stewart Georgia met the Lord last Friday! He and Marlene carved out a life of service to God and to others. We wish Marlene the comfort that can only come from the Father! Please take a moment to read of his very rich life:
As we plan events and actions, it is crucial to remember our RPSC goal: To elect Patriots to positions locally and in Madison that represent us and then hold them accountable!
With that goal front and center, there are many ways for you to activate in the coming weeks. Please read more about our Awareness Campaign, Grassroots Training, Flag Day Dinner, March for Life, 4th of July Parade, and HQ volunteer team:
Join and spread the buzz about our Awareness Campaign, which kicked off 3 weeks ago. Our initial focus is the academic failures of the Sheboygan Area School District (SASD). Future messages will cover school districts across the county, Sheboygan County Board, Sheboygan Common Council, and key issues in the county like our opposition to 600' high wind turbines. We launched a new website and Facebook group and are also set up on Twitter and Instagram. Learn what is really happening behind closed doors and then share this with your sphere of influence:
Twitter: TBSheboyganCo
Instagram: TBSheboyganCo
Private Facebook Group: Take Back Our Schools
- Please join us at the HQ (1122 Indiana Avenue) on Thursday, June 8th, as the Midwest coordinator for Turning Point Action, Brett Galaszewski, will lead us in conservative grassroots training. This is an opportunity to see how you can be the most effective at making a difference in the community. Snacks and refreshments!We extend a special invitation to young people interested in being involved in local outreach. This is the beginning of a youth revival in the RPSC. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Haley Stuckmann at or (920)980-2011.
- Get your tickets now for our first Flag Day Dinner on Wednesday, June 14! This very special patriotic evening features a gourmet dinner, bagpipers, color guard, and keynote speaker Dr. Jake Jacobs. Tickets are limited! See more on the RPSC website home page:
- Head to Madison for the March for Life - Wisconsin on June 24! This is being sponsored by 40 Days for Life. Please contact Teresa Claerbout for more info and if you would like to attend.
- Plan to walk with us in the 4th of July Parade in Sheboygan! This is an opportunity for kids with bikes, guys with trucks, and Patriots of all ages to show over 10,000 community people that we are the party of "Liberty and Justice for All"! We will be distributing over 1,200 American flags as we walk. Please sign up here (or just show up) to take a stroll with friends and family: Please also respond to this email if you are interested in driving your truck in the parade.
- Finally, summer in an off-election year brings less traffic to the HQ. So, we are modifying our hours to 10:00AM-1:00PM on Tuesdays. However, we are preparing for larger crowds and would love to have you volunteer 1-2 hours per week. If you want to be part of the growing HQ team, please contact either Sherry Ottery at or Bonnie Hill at
Every one of these activities is geared to win elections in April, 2024! Pick one or two that fit your schedule and use your talents.
God bless you all!