“In My Opinion”
It’s Time to Stop the INSANITY
A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Applied to several of our Republican elected officials and some local leaders, it appears that INSANITY has become contagious.
Following the 2020 Presidential election, Meagan Wolfe, Administrator of the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC), faced calls to resign and attempts to remove her by the Republican-controlled Wisconsin State Legislature. All attempts have failed, and Ms. Wolfe remains in her position, hence the application of the definition of INSANITY.
Meagan Wolfe
Another instance of INSANITY occurred on the Oct. 9th, at the Republican Party of Sheboygan County (RPSC) Executive Committee Meeting. Twenty-Second Assembly Dist. Rep. Janel Brandtjen spoke and answered questions about a Wolfe Impeachment item on the meeting agenda. In a Sept. 22, 2023 article in the Conservative Website WisPolitics: https://www.wispolitics.com/2023/5-gop-lawmakers-introduce-resolution-to-impeach-states-top-election-official/ , Brandtjen was one of 5 GOP members of the Assembly who was circulating a resolution seeking to impeach Meagan Wolfe.
Twenty-Second Assembly Dist. Rep. Janel Brandtjen
Rep. Brandjen has been heavily involved in efforts to decertify the 2020 Presidential Election because of election fraud which has led to clashes with Republican Assembly Leader Robin Vos. No evidence of fraud has been found even after a year-long investigation by former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman.
Brandtjen’s efforts to remove Meagan Wolfe have attracted the support of some members of the RPSC, notably our Chair, Russ Otten.
This is what Otten said in an email sent out on Oct. 11th. “At our Exec Comm meeting last night, there was a very in-depth discussion and Q&A session on this impeachment resolution. This involved RPSC members and Rep. Amy Binsfeld, Rep. Janel Brandtjen, and former Rep. Tim Ramthun. (Rep. Terry Katsma and Sen. Devin Lemahieu did not attend.)
Otten claimed that “…there was overwhelming support for Wolfe's impeachment. Brandtjen expressed the immediacy of this needed action. Amy Binsfield stated that she was unsure if impeachment could happen while a lawsuit is pending. Katsma, who is closely tied to Vos, was not there to take questions or offer a comment. (Ty) Bodden was not there but was the sponsor and firmly in support of the resolution.”
Russ Otten’s claim of “overwhelming support for Wolfe’s impeachment” seemed to exist only in his mind as there was no vote of support. Furthermore, he attempted to spread INSANITY by calling on members and fellow patriots to send letters to our representatives in the Assembly to demand that Brandtjen’s resolution be brought to the assembly for a vote.
I have concerns about the Wisconsin Election Commission and some of its actions during the 2020 Presidential Election. I am concerned that Meagan Wolfe will continue in her position as Administrator of the WEC.
However, I have found a vaccine against INSANITY which is called a REALITY CHECK. This is the REALITY.
We have an elected Democrat Governor, Tony Evers, and an elected Democrat Attorney General, Josh Kaul. As long as these two elected officials hold these two offices, the members of the Republican-controlled Legislature who pursue votes to remove Megan Wolfe from her position on the WEC will only succeed in showing how they are proving to be examples of the definition of INSANITY. Those leaders in the RPSC who tell its members to support impeachment efforts by the Legislature by sending letters to their elected officials are only spreading the contagion of INSANITY.
The only way Meagan Wolfe will be removed is when our Republican leaders, both state and local, direct their efforts to elect a Republican Governor and Attorney General who will have the power to fix the Wisconsin Election Commission.
Alan L. Jante
Since drafting this article, two additional events occurred to prove my point that the INSANITY over the Meagan Wolfe Impeachment has become contagious.
Former WI Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman
First, On Tuesday, Oct. 24th, a presentation was held at RPSC HQ during which former WI Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman stated that Meagan Wolfe's impeachment was not only necessary but could be easily accomplished. Gableman played the Blame Game dismissing a lawsuit as “nothing to do with moving forward with impeachment. Also being blamed were Rep. Binsfield and Rep. Katsma for not getting infected with the INSANITY.
Second, On Friday, Oct. 27th, Ch. 58 reported that Dane County Judge Ann Peacock issued a temporary injunction barring Republicans from removing Wolfe or appointing a replacement.
The order also states Senate Republicans’ vote last month to fire Wolfe has no legal effect. A final decision on the lawsuit filed by Attorney General Josh Kaul has yet to be determined.
"To avoid confusion and disruption to Wisconsin’s decentralized system of election administration. Simply put, I agree with WEC (Wisconsin Election Commission) that the public expects stability in its elections system and this injunction will provide stability pending the Court’s final decision," Peacock wrote.
According to Ch. 58, “Kaul filed the legal challenge arguing Republicans had no authority to act. Republicans' attempt to push out Wolfe stems from the fallout of the 2020 election as she's been the target of false election claims spread by former President Donald Trump.
Earlier this month, attorneys representing GOP leaders named in the lawsuit admitted in a court filing the vote to oust Wolfe was "symbolic" and acknowledged she is lawfully holding her position.”
It is time to put an end to this INSANITY and direct our resources to things that matter. Getting Republicans across the state and in Sheboygan County energized with the 2024 Presidential Election and the 2026 race for Governor and Attorney General should be PRIORITY #1. That involves increasing RPSC membership with Sheboygan County Residents who are true Republicans who believe in limited government, lower taxes, safe streets, and secure borders.
Editor's Note: The views expressed in this column are not necessarily the opinions of the RPSC. Giving a means to express opinions is at the foundation of our Democracy and the Free Speech Rights set forth in the Constitution of the United States. Other members wishing to express their opinions about the RPSC or matters pertaining to our beliefs can send them to webmaster@sheboygancountygop.com